Thursday, April 21, 2011

New Class

at Shabby Chic Brunei!

Remember I mentioned that a particular Maya Road Sweetest Days Shadow Box was going to be taught someplace soon? Well the time has come and Shabby Chic Brunei has announced its very limited run of the class on the store blog! 

Not just for the lovey-doveys, this kit will be a fantastic project for a mommy-child bonding session and your finished project makes the absolute perfect Mother's Day gift. Imagine creating this with your child and then presenting your finished Shadow Box to your Mom - 3 generations enjoying (loving) one project!

So remember, spaces are veryvery limited so you need to book a slot NOW by giving them a call at +673 242 4440. And good news - while I'll be leaving the teaching of this class to the good hands of the ladies at Shabby Chic, I'll still be peeping in during the class sessions via Skype to have a chat with you guys! Fun! I can't wait to see you then!


1 comment:

Lating Panda said...

Finally...!I have been waiting for your class and yes signed up already!