Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Birthday Celebration

Heya everyone! It's someone's birthday next Monday *ahem* and to celebrate this long weekend holiday, let's do a 15% sale off purchases $20 and above on products in my Scrapbook Stash for Sale. How does that sound? :) I hope you're mighty happy with that piece of news!

I began my Scrapbook Stash for Sale to destash my mountains/shelves/floors of scrapbooking supplies. I felt it was necessary after a wakeup call on my crazy buying/hoarding behavior (lol) and also an immense desire to surround myself with lesser possessions. I knew I could create with lesser and I just wanted to live a simpler life. 

So I think I've hung on to the boxes of my stuff for sale, for far too long. I'd like to target finishing selling the stuff by end of the year so look out for more sales - product-themed - going forward. In the meantime, enjoy the 15% birthday sale! I also added some more stuff in there today. :) Orders need to be emailed to me by 2359hrs November 7th so get a-clickin'!

I also wanted to share this tag I made recently for a colleague. Question: how would you like if I did a step-by-step tutorial on such a tag ... and share it here? Let me know. :)



Hi said...

Yeap of course! I am a hugggeeee fan of your awesome tags :)

Lating Panda said...

Yessss....Pleaseee.....I would lovee it....preety please...:)